Director Message

Created by admin on Tue, 09/20/2011 - 12:25
It is indeed a great privilege and an honour to be able to greet you all, on the threshold of a new beginning.I believe in this great verdict that there are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror which reflects it. In many ways we can be a light house beacon to others, taking them out of their own darkness to become the persons of light.
We know that as we step into the New Year we face a common problem for a human being to live a well integrated life. In this world of information and internet possibilities we are expected to guide the future generation entrusted to our care to new vision and hope and to navigate them towards a safe harbour?We are expected to be very good reflectors so that our life may sparkle with purity, honesty and clarity to a new generation that is looking towards us for quartz like Transparency Students today are competing in a rapidly changing world. Simply covering the curriculum will not do. At this juncture we have to equip our pupil with both a first rate education and necessary practical skills to ensure that they stand out best in today’s world. With good wishes for the year 2010.